Linda Clemons is a charismatic speaker and corporate trainer with more than three decades of experience helping clients boost their sales. As a nonverbal communications expert, she provides sales and leadership teams with an awareness of how body language can improve performance and outcomes. If you’re ready to help your team tap into their fullest potential, book Linda today.

“Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress. Don’t strive to make your presence noticed. Just make your absence felt.”

Grace Lichtenstein

Linda Clemons from Indianapolis, Indiana, is the CEO of Sisterpreneur® Inc, which educates and empowers female entrepreneurs. She is an award-winning, record-setting sales producer. As a body language expert trained and certified in Analytic Interviewing and Statement Analysis™ (a process used to detect deception) has made Linda one of the top global sales trainers, assisting her clients in generating over two billion in sales. Linda welcomes the opportunity to train and motivate your team.
