Dr. Emma Fraser Pendleton is an experienced Productivity and Accountability Coach, who specializes in Transformation. She is an award-winning author, ordained minister, international speaker, and a top-achieving educator with 30 years of proven success in training school districts to maximize staff and student achievement in cultural competency, and innovative strategies to master academic learning.
Dr. Fraser Pendleton is the co-author of the Amazon Best Seller, Who Would Have Thunk It.” She has also been featured in several women’s anthologies: Head Ladies in Charge, and Extraordinary Women, released in March of 2018. Dr. Fraser Pendleton and her brother, Dr. George C. Fraser were also featured in Exceptional People Magazine, as the Dynamic Duo.
Highlights of her career and public service awards include: Designing and implementing a self-esteem program for women living in shelters. Her awards include: The 2016 Power Networking Phenomenal Women’s Award, The Barack Obama 2016 Presidential Award for Lifelong Commitment to Building a Stronger Nation through Volunteer Service, The Distinguished Black Women award, by BISA (Black Women in Sisterhood for Action), The Barnes Historical Society, Queens Legend Award, The Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Award, and the E.C. Reems Women’s International Ministries Award, New York Chapter, for Dedication and Service to Women in Ministry.
Dr. Fraser Pendleton is also the recipient of several prestigious scholarships to attend Harvard University, Graduate School of 2 2 Education. During her residency at Harvard, she designed and taught a master’s level course on multicultural education. She also served as a teaching fellow and adjunct member of the faculty. Dr. Pendleton was an advisor to the Dean’s Advisory Council, Secretary to the Black Student’s Union, and a noted panelist on the International Forum of Changing Trends in Education.